the sheltiechick blog

Payton loves sheepie toy

Oh sheepie toy. Let’s run away together.

Somewhere we can lay on our backs and make wookie noises all day long… Forever.

Oh. You’re here too.

Look I guess you can come if you want to. Just don’t get in the way of me and my sheepie toy.

Oh balls, Payton.

MUCH cuter without testicles in the photo.

NO!! Don’t tell them I’m cute!!

I’m not cute, I’m obnoxious. <3

Grooming day

Washed, dried, groomed all three dogs today. My back is killing me. At least I did nails last night.



Auggie, just for fun. I didn’t even realize until I looked at the pictures to edit them that he moved his leg after I stacked him and told him to stay. Figures.

So there’s this hope chest in the basement and I put the blanket over it to take photos. I did Payton’s first, put him on the floor, put Auggie on the chest and took his photos, then put him on the floor. I took a few steps to go get Georgie and hear a THUNK.
I turn around and Payton is on top of the hope chest but his BUTT is wedged halfway between the chest and the wall. He had decided to jump back on it (MY TURN AGAIN ME ME ME) and because of the blanket he almost slid off the back. This could have ended poorly, when Happy was a puppy he tried to jump on the bed, and his leg got caught between the bed frame and the mattress and broke his leg, so I’m paranoid something like that will happen to my guys. But nothing happened except Payton looked really surprised and confused.
So I laughed instead.
A lot.

Georgie v. Payton

Thursdays are my odd day because the class I like to take at the gym doesn’t start until 6:30. So I spend about an hour just sitting around waiting to go to the gym. What better way to blow the hour than take the dogs outside and encourage them to terrorize each other?

Georgie says “I LIKE THIS GAME”

Butts. Unfortunately where I was sitting I got a lot of views of their butts as they blew past, because they weren’t looping the garden the other direction as I’d hoped.

Not focused but these always crack me up haha.


Payton could so kick her butt if he wanted to. It’s a REALLY good thing he adores her.


More butts! That’s the end of it.

Oh, what Auggie was doing while this was going on:

Dumb puppies.

Sunbathing. I’m not sure he knows that dogs don’t tan.


Henri is my sister’s new puppy. He came home the weekend before last, but he was wormy so we waited until this weekend to introduce him to our dogs. Auggie came out first and kept looking at me like “ANOTHER ONE??? Take it back!!” Poor guy. No, he wasn’t staying. He didn’t want to play with Henri at all. I don’t get it, he LOVED Payton and has never snarked at Payton, but he doesn’t have tolerance for other puppies now. I guess Pay was just special.

Georgie came out next and Henri wasn’t sure what to think of her. She was loud and didn’t stop moving. She got him to play a little bit but he just didn’t know what to think.

So then we brought out the Wild Child.
Oh Lord.
PAYTON will not rest until you play with him. PAYTON will not stop barking in your face until you play with him. PAYTON WANTS TO WRESTLE AND BY GOLLY YOU ARE GOING TO WRESTLE. So they became pretty fast friends actually, by necessity of the wild one being obnoxious until Henri obliged, and then Henri decided Payton was pretty cool and he wanted to play play play!
They did get into it a little twice, and I still can’t figure out what it was that Henri did that Payton didn’t like. I think it was Payton who would lose his cool but maybe not. Certainly Henri wasn’t doing anything that Georgie doesn’t do and get away with, but maybe because Henri was still new he wasn’t allowed the way Georgie is?

Anyway, what you really want is the pics:

“This thing won’t stop following me!”

Slightly blurry… he is a cutie!

Auggie sniffing at the puppy. He’s allowed to sniff the puppy, the puppy isn’t allowed to sniff him.

Oh here is my tongue.

Cutie cute cute!

Mom: “Are you sure Payton is wilder than Georgie?”

Umm… yes.

Yeah play!!

Imma bite all this fluffy hair you has! (I think this may have eventually become what Payton didn’t like even though Georgie – AND AUGGIE – do the same thing.)

Oh there’s a tennis ball.

I nom ball.

There’s another toy!! So many toys!

His tail kinda curls up over his back sometimes, haha. It’s adorable.

Mommy that cookie lady put me in this bucket.

I want out!

My sister was sitting right next to him getting him to pose like this and so she could keep the bucket from tipping over hahaha.

Ugh he’s terribly sweet too.

Getting sleepy… it’s about time to recharge my batteries…

head going down…

huh wha?? No I wasn’t sleeping!

Puppy butt!

The end… or just the beginning.

Just one Payton…

And by that I mean there’s only one photo, and also, there’s only one of him.

I don’t know what I would do with two of him.

Pool time

First, a handful of pictures from yesterday…

Auggie still takes better posed shots than Payton LOL. He’s such a supermodel.

A dur durr?

Then we got out the pool. I bought these at Target last week… pool Weebles. They wobble but they won’t sink. I thought they would be fun.


Georgie isn’t sure what to think…

Payton says “I bite?”

Every time he would go to grab one it would bob into the water. He had no idea how to deal with this hahaha.

Why does it keep running away??

I’ll just hop into the pool…

Payton is my pool puppy. He likes it. He’ll go run laps and then hop in the pool, go run laps, hop in the pool. No big deal.

Dribbles. Nice.

What? Who’s being gross?

I want to get this ducky.

Look who else is in the pool!!

Auggie hates the pool but yesterday I grabbed some treats and a clicker and taught him “get in the pool.” He did this on his own today… he walked up and kept looking in the pool and thinking about it, and finally, he climbed in. It’s just so HOT.

Hmm, it’s much cooler in here.

And all I have to do is lean over and get a drinky.

I’m not really sure what the big deal is actually.

I quite like it actually now that I’m in here.

Aaaaaahhhhh Auggie <3 <3
Somehow Payton splashed around so much he got his eyebrow wet. But only ONE eyebrow. WTF Payton.

LMAO we were trying to clicker Georgie into the pool too. She wasn’t doing it for treats though, we finally had to get out frozen green beans. Auggie also loves frozen green beans. Trying to give the green bean JUST to Georgie was funny LOL. Her face, and Auggie’s, hahahahaha.

Auggie’s face again LOL. I love how Payton’s like “mine?”

Happy Auggie!!

Payton will even sit in the pool LOL. “The water is cold on mah balls. I likes it.” Weird dog.

My Auggie <3 I'm so proud of him for getting in the pool all on his own today. I think he's going to get in it a lot more this year, so hopefully he'll be able to keep cool!!

Stupid dog tricks

My sister came over yesterday to spend Mother’s Day with our mom. While sitting in the backyard watching Auggie chase bubbles, she said, “Why do you have that car??”

Because this.

She and my BIL have adopted a puppy who is due to come home Memorial Day weekend. Collie/lab/aussie/maybe some other stuff mix, nobody is really sure. I told her she should bring her puppy over and do this. Because that is what I bought it for.

And this. Payton… drivin’ the Little Tikes car like a boss.

Also I took Payton to PetSmart Saturday so he could try on some beds, see if we could find one that fits him. No beds we liked, but Payton requested a tennis ball on a ropey bone (seriously, I offered it to him and he jumped up and grabbed it to tug, so I put it in my basket. I kept holding out other toys to him later, and he’d just kind of look at it, then be like “I like the one we already have in the basket. *looks in the basket at boney ball.* <3 oh boney ball <3 <3") Anyway, at the register the girl asked how old Payton was and then asked me where we do our training. "Oh, uh, I train him myself," I said, kind of offhand, because it's always just kinda awkward to get into a conversation in there about how I'm a trainer at a training facility the next town over. And then I got the patronizing "oh right, you train yourself. Right. Idiot." look. I think I prefer the awkward conversations about me being a trainer the next town over. So then I came home and taught my dogs to do this.

I’m SUPER proud of Payton. It only took a few minutes. Auggie I knew would get it almost right away, he’s the rockstar. But Payton has never been taught to get UP on something like this and pretty quickly he offered climbing up on it for me. Yay Payton!!

Then we put the dogs IN the bucket.

Payton thinks it’s hi-laaaaarious. Auggie remembers the days of being an only dog.


Poor Georgie LOL. And poor Payton. He looks HUGE.

Just Georgie and Uncle Auggie. Auggie still remembers the days of being an only dog.

Then we couldn’t get Auggie to jump out of the bucket LOL. He was like “no, I’m just going to stay here, and remember what it was like when I was the one getting ALL the cookies…”

A small handful of recent pics

Now that I have FTP access again rather than just crappy flickr, let’s try to get caught up! I have quite a bit to get caught up on (a bunch of pro pics from Louisville) but so far I’m just using a web client and haven’t got the actual FTP client to cooperate with me yet, so here’s just a small handful to get us started…

First: I ran a half marathon April 28th. On April 29th, I was stupidly entered in the local agility trial. LOLOLOL I woke up going “WTF WAS I THINKING?” and hobbling around my kitchen throwing down a handful of Ibuprofen. The weather is notorious for being crappy at our local trial, and this year was no exception. It started pouring just in time for our first run and didn’t let up until long after we had gone home.

Auggie was not very excited to be stuck in the car while it rained outside. I was not excited when I went inside the building to go pee and realized my legs were both completely blue and purple. I went home right after our second run and got straight into a hot bath. Yikes!

And of course because I am an over ambitious idiot, I also entered in a trial the following weekend, too. (and also would have stupidly done one this weekend were it not for Mother’s Day!) Got in the car Friday night to leave and discovered my A/C wasn’t working – I only ever use it when I have dogs in the car to keep cool. NOT happy, and my dad had no freon to put in it. Auggie is now crated in a VariKennel, which I call his clamshell, since he ate his way out of one of the soft crates down at Louisville, and I was really worried about him being stuck in a hot plastic clamshell. I got our crate fans out and put one on his door, and unzipped the top of Payton’s soft crate a bit so he would get more air flow, and wedged the second crate fan best I could against the “door” to his soft crate.
I forgot to zip the top of Payton’s crate closed when I left the dogs in the hotel to go grab dinner and was quite surprised when I opened my hotel room door and TA-DAAAA! PAYTON!

He had stuck his nose into the small opening and wedged, wedged, wedged his head through until he opened it enough to squeeze his whole body out. =P

Next, things you never want to see in your rear view mirror:

I did not learn from the hotel incident. Payton, however, did. It was over 90 degrees when I was heading home so I again opened the top of the crate to give Payton more air flow. About thirty miles away from the trial site, I suddenly see PAYTON’S STUPID HEAD in my rear view mirror.
I drove like this for 18 miles until I got to the next exit and pulled off. Though on the actual highway he had his head up towards the crack in the window like “Ahhhh fresh air!” I ended up just taking him out of the crate and letting him loose in the backseat, which I hated, but was terrified he would overheat or would end up like THIS again, which certainly isn’t safe either.

And then some random miscellaneous shots…

Family shot. At least they’re both not looking at me…?

There we go!


The holee roller is his fave. Unfortunately we’ve tugged on it so much it’s ready to rip. =< I'm trying to be gentle with it but I don't think it's going to last the summer. and finally,
my big ol’ baby dog.

Garden pics


I hope this makes you smile because it makes me smile…

Auggie, jus’ chillin’.

I so could have named him “Happy” if I wanted to… but I didn’t want to… not so soon.

Der de der!

So then I let them in the garden… but only one at a time, because there are toxic plants in there, and in order to watch and make sure nobody ate something, it had to be one at a time.
Started with Augs.

He did this on his own because he is a photowhore.

This looks very fall-like… I think this is a fire bush or something like that? I don’t know.

My boy. <3

Ahhhh cutie <3
I like when he looks like he’s laughing.

the bestest boy.

Then it was Payton’s turn…

“Look at this Payton! Oh look! Look! Payton look at this!” Finally he did look at it.

“But just look Payton.”

“Payton… just look…”


“Oh. I sowee.”

Not nearly as cute as Auggie in the end. =P He will learn to pose with time I guess.

Watering the Payton



Georgie: What are you doing?

Payton: AHHHH
Georgie: you’re stupid.

that’s Georgie’s tail in the background. She really can’t figure out WTF Payton is doing.

Meerkat impression!


Gonna get iiiiiit


It makes me so haaaappy!

Just right in the face. Over and over.

He sometimes seems to mind and other times doesn’t care at all LOL.

I really don’t know LOL.


She tried watering higher so he couldn’t get it and he kept trying to get it anyway, including putting his muddy paws on her legs like “HEY LADY, GIMME THE WATER!”

At this point he realized he was SOAKING WET and tried to roll around in the grass to dry off. Of course this is the same grass we are watering so he was basically just rolling around in mud. Fantastic.

Georgie trying to figure out if this is a game she wants to play…

is this… is this a game?

No, no… it’s… well maybe. But no, you don’t want to play, Georgie.

Georgie: Seriously. What’s wrong with you?
Payton: Oh, LOTS of things!!

I really do like the way this dog moves, as an aside.

Aaaaand right back at it when she started watering low enough for him to mouth water again.


And some killer dance moves.

I had to go get him a towel when all was said and done. Then I finished toweling him off and my mom wasn’t done watering so BACK AGAIN HE GOES… sigh…


First, you need some context.

Obviously when he was MUCH younger, before he got the title Grumpy Old Man. This was I think only the second year my sister had him, so five? Six?

those whiskers are out of control… time to trim them up a bit!

Happy’s flowers have started coming up. I realized I don’t have anything for Kota. I would kind of like something, but I don’t know what to get… is there a grumpy old man flower out there somewhere?

Family photos and a few more

A few I took with my cellphone down in Louisville, sorry for the crappy quality but I didn’t buy my cellphone for the camera… it rained pretty much every single night down there (MUD EVERYWHERE. PAYTON UP TO HIS KNEES IN MUD PUDDLES EVERY DAY, LOOKING JOYOUS. SO GLAD FOR WASH AND WEAR COATS.) so camper lighting, not the best:

Payton, Auggie, and Grandma/Great Grandma! You can see Payton’s right leg is filthy dirty… =P

Payton, Auggie’s Dad Raleigh, and Auggie. Ral is the one Payton heavily resembles. I can’t remember if I posted about this here but I saw a picture of him at a show when he was eight months old, and it was about when Payton was eight months old, and we were all like “D= D= D=” looking back and forth at the picture of Ral and at Payton… Payton looks more like Ral than Auggie does and Auggie’s his kid, LOL.

Then we came back home and I took a really long shower in which I kept thinking I HAVE NEVER FELT SO CLEAN and then washed the boys.

The baby Georgie! I took a few photos of her sister this weekend but they’re not very good LOL. And I don’t think you guys would appreciate the photo of her trying to attack my phone the way I do… hopefully we can get the sisters together again soon and I can take a good photo of her.

Paytonmobile. Pay and Georgie’s sister, neither of whom were down in Louisville to actually do conformation, were attracting a LOT of attention. Which cracks me up considering how much time Payton spent diving into mud puddles like “=D =D =D THIS IS THE BESTEST”

My Auggiedoggie. <3 I was chasing the babies around the yard and looked over and here he was, laying down on the retaining wall. My little sun worshiper.

Boys lately, Payton wearing hats

Whatever caption you can come up with for this picture, I’m just going to say “that’s what she said” afterward, so…


Auggie says “see I was under the impression that when we get in bed we are supposed to go to sleep… not this nonsense…”

Payton says “sup.”

“This is really too big for my head.”


What Auggie was doing while I was putting hats on Payton’s head. Lately when I get the camera out he tries to make himself scarce. He used to be a photowhore, but lately, since I’m trying to do more than just taking yet another picture of my dogs hanging out in the backyard/my bedroom, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with it LOL.


Throw ball plz.

Chuck-it Times!

WARM outside today but crazy windy! Time to play fetch in the backyard.

Auggie has ball!

He must not like the plastic balls as much because he carries them funny LOL. The regular tennis ball he just chomps into his mouth, but these he carries like halfway out of his mouth…


See?? Normal ball, haha. Weird dog…

I don’t know LOL.


and by “it” I mean “Payton.”

Better catch!

Umm I don’t know what’s happening to my dog in this photo LOL. Momentum + wind = amorphous blobbie Auggie.

oh and here’s a cute picture of Payton! ahhhh cute puppy <3
aaaaand here’s another weird picture of Auggie trying to catch the ball LOL.

If you’re wondering why I don’t have any of that of Payton, it’s because Payton waits until the ball is rolling along the ground, then runs after it to pick it up off the ground. Auggie actually launches himself when I flick the Chuck-it and tries to beat the ball to the ground…

So all I have is Payton going “yaaaay I got it!” and bringing it back to me.

Chuck-it. Doing it wrong.

Still doing it wrong. He literally was running top speed to me, saw this leaf blow into his path, and immediately dropped the ball and launched himself on the leaf.

And ripped the leaf to pieces.
He’s going to be VERY sad once I get a place with no big ol’ trees in my backyard to drop leaves everywhere…

Just a few out in the yard

Auuuuuggie doggie. Still not quite back with all his belly coat after his bladder surgery. =< It will probably be next year sometime when it will look back to normal.

Playing some with a very low jump and the football. No formal jump training yet though I probably should get started with some jump bumps and stuff.

I think this was the day I accidentally threw the football into the neighbour’s yard and Payton almost died. He was like “MYYYYY FOOOOTBAAAAAALL” with his face up against the fence, and he wouldn’t have forgotten about it either. So I had to go creepin’ in the neighbour’s yard to get his football back since PetSmart doesn’t even make these anymore.
And when I let him out again later he was totally like “OMG FOOTBALL YOU CAME BACK!”
the things I do…

Goofy dog. He has now decided he is big enough to jump up on my bed before we go to bed, and this morning jumped OFF my bed because Auggie and I left him to go get breakfast and he was like “hay!” – but he still won’t go down the stairs to the basement.

Spring in January

GORGEOUS weather today… I almost didn’t go back to work after lunch. I wanted to go for a nice run outside and then stay in the backyard with the boys allllll afternoon.

Handsome Payton. Without any dirt hanging from him. Yay!!

Playing with the basketball! PetSmart doesn’t have these anymore =< It's a shame because this one is really heading towards the end of it's life.

My very handsome Auggiemeister.

I named my puppy after a football great. Errr…


These are from yesterday – my mom opened this two liter and it started fizzing everywhere and Payton WTF????d at it. So my solution was to give him the bottle when it was empty. And he didn’t stop playing with it. Finally he flattened part of it and ripped a hole in the plastic so I took it away before he ate the darn thing.

butt in the air. he does this SO much. it’s ridiculous.

Payton being a dork, Auggie being Auggie

Perhaps it should be Payton being Payton too.


Why does my baby dog look kind of like a smug jerk..?

More Auggie!

Auggie says “you has a stick. I wants it plz.”a

I threw the stick and Auggie changed his mind. So Payton took it instead.

Weird dog…

der de der!!

oh you have the stick?

wooooo woo woo wooooo woo!

Ohhhh Auggie…

I need to thin out his dreadlocks, just haven’t gotten around to it. I did everything else last weekend but left all the ear hair…

I love how every time I try to get a nice, handsome photo of Payton, he has sticks and dirt all over him. That’s my puppy.

Some pics from today, plus a Baby Pepper

This could have been a great photo… but overexposed. >=< I have so many problems with forgetting to adjust my camera for bright sunlight and ending up with overexposed photos… ughhh…

Eat da snow!

I don’t know how he got snow on his eyebrow LOL.

Auggie says “I also eat da snow!” Auggie is kinda skinny right now… I’m not sure if I like it or not. I cut back just a bit on his food since it’s his agility off season and all his muscle was getting soft, but I dunno… and yes I realize you guys probably can’t tell from this photo LOL.

Inside… for some reason he likes to play like this. I finally managed to get a good photo of it, haha. He’ll have a toy and then start rolling around on his back making wookie noises and flailing his legs around.

And in fact yesterday morning this is how he tried to wake me up. By putting his head on my BUTT and then rolling back and forth on his back making wookie noises and flailing his legs around. w.t.f. payton.

Then he grabs at the toy and makes more wookie noises and rolls around… because he’s so weird…

Also, yesterday I drove to Indy to watch Auggie’s breeder run Auggie’s granny (and Payton’s great-granny) one last time in agility… today is granny’s first official day of retirement. Anyway, before I went over there she had me run by her house and pick up her scrapbook that she forgot and bring it to the trial with me. We all spent some time looking at granny when she was really young, her AOM picture at Westminster, all that awesome stuff. And in the binder I found a photo of granny and Auggie’s dad at his first show when he was like six months. And HOLY COW Payton still looks an awful lot like Auggie’s dad now that I have puppy awkward photos to compare! It’s crazy. I meant to take a picture of that photo with my cellphone so I could show it, but I forgot.
But in the back of the binder were a few other miscellaneous pictures, and one of them was of two puppies, and I picked it up and said “Who are these?”
She pointed to one of the puppies and went “That’s baby Pepper.”
So when I came home I looked around online until I found the photo, because I only have one other picture of her as a baby and it’s not a very good one.

Pepper is the one on the right. She’s so cute. D= D=
Georgie’s mom is the one on the left. Doesn’t Georgie look JUST like her mom?

New toys in the yard

Yesterday Auggie and I went to PetSmart to try and find some new tugs that he would like to play with. We picked this one out and TA-DA! Tugging!! So exciting!

I let him tug with Payton briefly but mostly this will be reserved for tugging with me.

Payton says “I like this new toy! I want it.”

But I bought you your OWN new toy, Payton.

Look, it has two balls. Just like you.

No need to build tug drive on this thing.

I mean seriously.

Susan Garrett says tugging is not a duration behaviour.

…I think Payton disagrees… OMG puppy for real.

I have no idea WHAT they were looking at. I was holding the toy over the camera and they were both like “la la la, can’t see the toy…”
(And yes, Auggie looks tiny. He almost always does next to other shelties, unless they are also smaller shelties.)


So I think most of you know that Payton’s favourite toy in the world is a leaf. Last night he came running up to me in the yard carrying a stick with a few leaves still on it, all excited he had found one last stick to play with. We were getting ready to go to bed so I put it up on the picnic table on the deck to keep safe until we could play with it properly.

We went out to play today and Auggie decided it was time to enact a little bit of payback.

Auggie: You like this? Here let me have it.

Payton: HAY! That’s MINE!

Auggie: I want it. Give it to me.
Payton: Noooooooooo

Auggie: I am taking it now.
Payton: WAH!!

I was secretly cheering Auggie on. Seriously, he doesn’t even really LIKE sticks… he didn’t really want it except for the fact that Payton had it therefore he decided to steal it. This is the first time he has ever done this, LOL. Usually he’s the one getting puppies (or Pepper) running up to him going “WHAT’S THAT?” and he drops it so they can have it. Good for you Auggie, LOL.

“Hay Mom it’s kinda windy out here!”

My very handsome little boy. With dirt sticking out of his muzzle. Sigh.

Some Christmas photos…

First, we asked Georgie to down. Auggie proceeded to do this. “ohhhh my goooood these puppies are killing meeeee.”

Bros! Poor Auggie has a busted lip right now. =< Not sure if he got it playing bitey face or if he bit himself at some point.

All three little doggies. Georgie apparently thought the boys had cooties today – she did NOT want to get anywhere closer to Payton.

Happy Aug!

Then we busted out the costumes LOL. “Payton won’t move now because he has something on his head,” I said. If only the same trick worked with Georgie…

Payton didn’t like the reindeer antlers so we switched him and Georgie.

Brudders <3

I think this might be the one I send to everybody! (And look! Auggie’s big ol’ chunk out of his leg hair has mostly grown back!)

Santa Auggie!

The end! I might get the big ornaments out again this year but I have to find the time to do it… not sure when that might be unless it’s literally Christmas Eve…

Auggie’s new Fetching Tag is here…

and I love it, LOL.

Auggie says, “I’m not only the founder of the No Testicles? No Problem! club – I’m also a member!” Oh you sure are Augs.

I can’t stop laughing.

I went with a tennis ball on the back this time. <3 For some reason the skull seemed weird with this tagline LOL.

Dogs in a box

It all started with a sale on treats at And a rather large order of treats from

Then I had a huge empty cardboard box. Well, you can’t have an empty box in my house for long.

It’s a good thing Pepper’s not here because I don’t think FOUR would have fit. Well, maybe if I got Pepper and Payton to sit.

“HALP” says Payton. Auggie tries to figure out if he can jump out before I notice.

Georgie: Oh no you don’t! If I have to be in the box SO DO YOU!
Auggie: NO!

Auggie: *starts to scream*

Auggie: *more horrified screaming*
Payton: haaaahahaha.

Auggie: I HATE YOU

Georgie: So stay there.

Georgie: Now I gotta figure out how to get out of here.

Payton: Haha now she’s trying to get out and we’re all stuck in here!

Georgie: Curses! Why am I so little?!

Payton: Okay I’m bored with this now can we do something fun please?
Georgie: Maybe if I jump up and down I can tip the whole box over?
Auggie: I hate my life.

Shortly after Georgie managed to scramble halfway out and I told the boys to jump out and that was the end of that.
I take it as a good sign that Payton was pretty much like “Meh, this is normal, right?” He’s totally gotten used to living here…

Just two pics of two dogs

Better lighting today (the sun was just barely peeking out from behind the clouds) and I grabbed a couple of treats to make it easier on me… I’m a cheat.

Payton’s mane is getting out of control… the hair around his face, OMG. Floof!!
Also I’m obsessed with how he sits. It’s so nice and tight and straight and proper… LOVE it. Auggie is like “meh, I’m six. *slouch*”

And I love this one…

Not exactly what I intended, I wanted Auggie to lay down, but the Payton peeked out over Auggie’s shoulder… cute!!