the sheltiechick blog

More bad bad bad Auggiemonster

I wanted to take some funny pics of Auggie with his Fetching Tag to send to the company so I got out his Auggles.

Then, while I was at it, we got some outtakes…

And a couple of other good shots.

I’s not up to n-e-thing. I’s good dog. Not brat at alls.

The Auggles Return

For those of you that have George Thoroughgood in your music library, I recommend you put some on now.

I stopped at PetSmart to pick up a tiny harness for The Mythical Harley since they are on sale this month, and while I was there I spotted something that I absolutely, completely, and totally NEEDED for Auggie.
It was this:

So I took Auggie outside, dremelled his toenails, clipped his whiskers and trimmed up his feet, then stuck this shirt on him. Well, the shirt just needed something more… so… I brought out the Auggles.

Ahhhh, my Auggles!

Pretty nice day for a motorcycle ride, actually. A bit warm, but overwise lovely.


Grimly surveys his backyard… I mean, his turf. (Oh God, his dreadlocks… he needs the hair behind his ears thinned out again…)

All is well on the turf! Smile time!

He could do with a shirt that reads “Bitches Love Me” too. Right after I get that one that reads “I’m A Boy Dog.”

People don’t believe me when I tell them “Bad to the Bone” is his theme song – but YOU guys understand… don’t you? DON’T you? I mean, c’mon. Just look at him.

Tuff guy.

This is like some kind of badass Elvis lipcurl. I am related to Elvis, so maybe it rubbed off on Auggie.

He came up on the deck to get a cookie.

Can has cookie plz?

And now I present to you the newest Favourite Auggie Photo/Best Representation Of Auggie’s Personality In One Photo Ever:

There you have it. Auggie in a nutshell.

My dog is more hardcore than your dog.


Auggie doesn’t know how all those kids walk with the seat of their pants hanging down to their knees. He has enough trouble just walking with baggy sleeves.