Happy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2016
If it seems like time has just flown by since Rizzo joined the family, it’s because it has. Just one week later and it’s already Christmas!
Big P sits in front of the tree for annual Christmas photos first.
Also he wants a cookie so he tries offering a head-down, as usual.
KK next!
He does a down, not because he’s offering it, but because I asked and he said okay. That’s cool too.
Next, something with the baby. Who doesn’t really know sit or down yet and has no idea about stay. Can you tell? Oh well…
A family shot! Rizzo lay down so I cued the others to down as well. Only one of them did what I asked this time before the baby stood back up…
And we got something that appears like a family photo in front of the tree! Hey, I’ll take it. That’s my family, guys.
This time I got all three down, except now Payton is definitely trying to offer head-down again. Oh Payton!
And then it is Christmas morning, and while the breakfast casserole is in the oven, we open stockings.
Payton first – without the enthusiastic cramming his head into the stocking.
THERE IS A SHEEP. Also a bag of cookies (Zukes Christmas Trees!)
Posing with his new sheep toy.
Kane is next and he looks like he has no idea what he’s supposed to do with that stocking.
Trying to tempt him by revealing cookies… Not pictured is his FLATTIE REINDEER from the stocking (although it appears in the background of other photos later.) He immediately grabbed the toy and ran off playing with it. Okay then…
Rizzo goes next!
Cookies! Yay!
Also this snow monster guy.
Now it is time for PRESENTS.
These are Payton’s presents. A nice blue gator, a brand new holee roller after we finally tore the old one to pieces, and a couple bags of cookies.
Kaner next! (With his flattie reindeer in the background.)
Kaner presents! Treats, a brand new baby rhino with a bottle inside, and a Blackhawks-colored version of his beloved donut toy.
Rizzo also gets presents and he’s really excited about that.
Another snow monster!!
Also, a platypus with egg babies and some cookies as well.
This is my baby dog and these are his Christmas presents.
And then there was much romping with new toys and nobody played with their own toys because everybody else had one that was way better.
Happy Christmas!
Visit with Santa 2016
It’s Santa time!
Surprise – Kane is really good with Santa! He wasn’t exactly sure what to make of him, but he wasn’t really scared either.
You guys have been good? Then maybe, just maybe, you can have a baby brother for Christmas.
Christmas Professional Photos 2016
It’s time again! Our annual professional Christmas photos. As usual, there’s quite a few. And continuing our new tradition, I got props for mine.
Festive headbands?! I think so.
Kandy Kaner thinks this is GREAT.
Payton doesn’t want you to know he also thinks it is great.
Yes. One of my best ideas yet.
Okay okay, let’s get real now. Just some handsome boy dogs.
This is a Payton who is super handsome and super good. Even if he is drooling because he smells girls.
And Kane… well, Kane is Kane and he wants everybody to know that.
My boys!
Oh look at how cute this Kaner is in a photo with me. What a good boy!
And this may or may not be a good representation of my entire relationship with Payton.
(I still love him lots though.)
Payton refuses to look at the camera now. Fine. Jerk.
Georgie next!
Like the beautiful little pro she is.
And then we brought out Stormie and… well.
But hey, we managed a good one anyway!
And then we put the baby in the sleigh because why wouldn’t you?!
Because it’s ADORABLE right?
Okay, so maybe I believe she is a tiny bit trouble.
My mom didn’t want a photo of her with the girls so I took one with the tiny baby Stormie!
Just kidding just kidding. We can reign this in.
And one with me and G.
Love my little girly!
And that’s the team for this year… or at least… for right now.
2016 Christmas Tree Time
The tree went up on Thanksgiving morning like it always does. I only cried once – I carefully opened wrappings to discover the pawprint ornaments I made last year were tucked inside. It took me by surprise; I had sort of forgotten I even made them. If I had been prepared, I probably would have been okay, but the surprise made my heart twist and the tears flow.
Once it was all set up, Kane took up a little nap spot in the spot where Auggie used to love to lay. Right under the tree.
Of course, later he would try and figure out how he could get into trouble with the tree…
I’m just looking… “looking.”
This year I also finally set up my “Dog Tree” in the library. A tree just for all my dog and sheep ornaments!
Next year, I’m replacing one of these trees with a pre-lit tree. Ain’t nobody got time to string lights on TWO trees…
Christmas 2015
Happy Christmas! Modern medicine is a Christmas miracle which left Auggie feeling back to normal the next morning. I put breakfast casserole in the oven and then we opened presents and stockings.
Auggie demands this box open immediately. Yeah, he feels fine now.
Ah, it’s open! Now, what’s inside?
THE FLASH is inside!! After a decade of my dog being The Flash, finally the dog toy makers at PetSmart have gotten it together and made us a toy of The Flash. Auggie is really happy about this.
But there’s more!
This cute abdominal snowman toy came from Petco. Auggie and I made a special trip together on Black Friday to the nearest Petco and he selected this toy for himself. It’s super cute and while it’s smaller than the toys I usually buy, it’s actually a great size!
Auggie also got a squeaky piece of coal that says “A L’il Naughty” on it, and a bag of Zuke’s Christmas treats.
Next Payton is a Christmas over-achiever and stood on his box.
Oh we OPEN the box. Oh.
This is the toy Auggie selected at Petco for his brother. I call it Manly Unicorn. Because it’s a unicorn, but the red plaid makes it rather manly.
Payton also got a new West Paw Design toy, but he looks sad here because first he got out his own squeaky lump of coal and feels bad because he is naughty and he knows it.
Next, stockings! I know, usually it’s stockings first and gifts second, but in our house we usually open presents on Christmas Eve and then stockings on Christmas Day – but since Auggie wasn’t feeling so great the previous night, we did gifts first, stockings second.
Bocce’s Peppermint Bark treats! I wanted to try these last year but couldn’t find any, so when I found them out and about on Black Friday, I snagged a bag.
Payton still hasn’t quite gotten the hang of how to cram his entire face in his stocking like Auggie has.
Aaaand Payton gets a bag of coal treats in his stocking.
Poor Payton! He is so naughty while Auggie is so very good.
After enjoying our breakfast casserole, we packed everything up in the car and went back home. I did not go to Christmas dinner with my family since I wanted to keep a close eye on Auggie again, so we all stayed home and watched movies. First we watched Love Actually, then Elf, then Miracle on 34th Street – and finally, because it was on TV, we finished our night of movies with Legally Blonde. Christmas dinner was a Mexican chicken and rice casserole, which in my opinion is highly festive.
Happy, happy Christmas to all!
Christmas Eve
Time for Christmas tree photos!
Payton is sad about this, even though it involves cookies.
He is sad because he can’t smile on cue and I keep saying I need to train it but I never do.
Auggie is kind of sad because his legs are still pretty naked.
We’ll just take pictures of his adorable face instead.
Payton singles!
Always with the head down photo.
One more of the best Auggie.
Not a whole lot this year. Auggie had been doing really well, but of course on Christmas Eve, when none of my regular vets are open, he started coughing a bit again. We did get these photos, and after photos he got to take a trip to my grandma’s house so I could watch him while we had dinner and opened presents. We then took a quick trip to the emergency vet as his breathing started to get a bit labored and he was coughing more, and I decided to bring him in before he actually got in distress. He got a shot of injectable Lasix and instructions to increase his oral Lasix, and he was able to come home. He felt much better after his injection started to work and flush the fluid out. We went home to get Payton and everybody came back to my parent’s house to stay for the night so we could all open more presents and stockings in the morning.
Auggie definitely was feeling better once he got to take a nap in his favourite spot – under the Christmas tree. Best place.
Secret Santa 2015
We played in the Secret Santa swap this year! Imagine my surprise when the UPS man arrived at my door (delightfully going “ho ho ho!”) with a big box from Chewy. I was confused because I didn’t order anything from Chewy, so I opened the box – and discovered it was our Secret Santa gift!
I closed it up and put it back on the floor and Auggie thought this meant he should stand on it.
No? How about sit on it?
Payton just wants the box open so he can get at what’s inside.
Oh, okay, yeah it’s cool to open the box too.
Payton got these delicious cheese cookies made by Fromm!
And Auggie got a box of peanut butter Buddy Biscuits – his favourite!
Auggie also got a nice new shark toy, and it’s a tough toy so it will withstand any thievery by little brothers, too.
(And it will withstand an Auggie.)
Payton got this long unstuffed gator toy, perfect for tugging.
Auggie also received a Planet Dog basketball with a treat spot so we can stuff those Buddy Biscuits inside.
And Payton got the football!
Posing with all their goodies! The box also contained two bully sticks, but I removed those before we opened them to avoid any angry scuffles where Auggie might try to take both bully sticks and Payton might not find that very fair.
Thank you Secret Santa!
Santa Claus 2015
Christmas is Auggie’s favourite time of the year.
He was born November 15th, which means most of his puppyhood was during Christmastime. I still remember going to pick out which puppy would be mine – I had my choice of two little males who would make great pets with sport potential. Auggie and his little brother (called “Dee” at the time) were ripping around his breeder’s living room, running underneath and behind the Christmas tree. I still believe this is why, when we set up the Christmas tree, Auggie makes a beeline to lie down underneath it. Fond memories of his puppyhood and time spent playing, and maybe occasionally napping, underneath the Christmas tree.
Christmas is my favourite time of the year, too.
We did two Santa trips this year. I brought along the bowtie and tie from our professional Christmas photos. I’m not sure if Auggie and I will get another Christmas together, so I wanted this one to be special.
First, we went to Country Arbors, a nursery nearby. Their Santa setup is really cool, and this year they had a firepit where they were burning pine tree branches. First, we got our Santa photo.
And if you’re wondering why I’m in the photo this year, again, no idea if I’ll ever get another chance with Auggie, so I took advantage of the opportunity before I don’t have it.
Next we went and hung out by the firepit for a while. It was nice and warm and smelled amazing.
After Auggie’s vet appointment, I didn’t really have a lot of cash to pick anything up, although the white birch logs are beautiful and healthy, and really are a great bargain. Maybe next year!
Our next Santa was a couple weeks later. The local humane society always puts on a Santa pet photo event with the Subaru dealership. The Santa is really great and, being humane society folks, everyone working the event is awesome with pets, too. I also love their backdrop – you can’t see it in this year’s photo, but they have this really beautiful old timey looking street light with a big red bow on it, and I just love it.
I got in the photo with Santa here, too, but my favourite happened to be the one of just my two boys and Santa.
May all your Santas be jolly and all their whiskers be real.
A Very Sheltie Christmas 2014
We started at my house, in front of my tree.
My baseboard is actually not installed yet, I just set it there… hence the gap. Yeah…
Oh look Peppy is happy.
Perfect Auggie first.
I really need to teach my dogs how to smile on cue.
Perfection. Best Auggie.
Oh yay! Now he will smile.
Payton next and he looks SO unhappy.
No smiles…
but he’s pretty cute.
Then there’s Pepper, who also looks sad, but that’s normal for her.
Oh yay!! It’s Christmastime!
No, whomp again.
Family photo with just ooooone happy dog… perfect Auggie.
Then back to my parent’s house for a +1 family photo.
Happy Pepper again!
Payton knows a Christmas secret… WINK.
Peppy loves her brudder. Auggie is like “if I close my eyes and wish really hard, when I open them, I will be an only dog again…”
“…no… they’re still here.”
JK JK Auggie likes Pepper too. Mostly.
Everybody looks SO SERIOUS.
Miss Georgie. I tried to carefully position her so you cannot see the absolute hack job the vets did to her hair when she was spayed.
Crap you can totally see it here.
Also I wish I had done her feet before these photos… why it’s my responsibility to trim her nails and groom her feet, I do not know, but it is… sigh.
Auggie single!
Payton single.
Still no smiles…
but still pretty cute.
MORE CHRISTMAS OVER-ACHIEVER. Practicing for footstalls.
Saaaad Pepper single.
I wasn’t trying to be artsy here, I think I was just falling over. Unfortunately I was not drunk.
Then we opened presents. After clearing out under the tree, Auggie went to his favorite spot.
Best little Christmas dog…
Georgie got to open her present.
Auggie had one of these warthogs when he was younger and it was my dad’s favorite toy to use when they played, so I bought one for Georgie.
I also found this GoDog platypus so I bought her one, hopefully it will hold up to her destruction!
Warthog and platypus! She really didn’t care much for the platypus, the warthog had so many things to chew on.
Then Auggie opens his.
Kong Christmas squeaker balls!
Also this bag of treats is really great.
Pepper… um… well she was afraid of her stuffed toy so she wouldn’t open hers. Poor Drizzle.
Payton was confused. “I can smell the treats, but I can’t SEE the treats… what is this sorcery??”
“Oh there they are.”
Looking positively unexcited about his toy, but I swear he enjoys it. Yesterday he kept grabbing it and running around the room with it while wagging all over.
Then we went to bed until the next day, when we had…
Auggie cared about little else in the stocking except the bully stick.
A lame picture of Pepper getting in her stocking… she actually had gotten sick all over the living room on Christmas Eve so I was trying to NOT let her really get much of the bully stick, but I did want her to be able to snack a teensy bit on it… poor thing.
No bully stick for sick Peppy-drizzles. But she does get a platypus of her own and some dog treats.
Payton also cares about not much but that bully stick.
He got his very own green squishy ball so he can stop stealing Auggie’s.
Festive Driz!
Oh no, a bow on a Payton. Behold the bully stick face.
And Auggie has no such time for this foolishness because he has a bully stick under the tree, thank you very much. I think this must be Auggie’s ultimate happy place actually.
2013 Giftings and Stockings
Finally got around to going through all of these to throw out the blurry ones and edit the good ones. I realize it’s over a week late. OH WELL
We started with Georgie’s present from me.
I found this skirt at TJMaxx and thought it was too funny not to buy for her. Sorry Georgie!
I also bought a tug-a-jug for her since she doesn’t have one. Meanwhile Auggie is like “oh are we doing presents?”
When I was editing these I was like “What the heck is that??” I forgot what I gave her already. And it was just over a week ago. AND we were all playing with this toy last night…
It’s a banana and inside there are three little monkeys for her to dig out.
And a big bag of PB Zukes so she can learn how to suck less at agilities.
Auggie gets to go next except he’s already trying to go to bed. (BTW, that’s the ASSA 2012 Handbook sitting there. That’s my mom’s copy. In the book is a special dedication to Auggie’s grandpa… and also, Auggie himself. Also lots and lots and lots of relatives to all of my guys.)
Auggie’s bag of goodies!
This year I wrapped their toys for them.
I had to get him started but he was fine to rip it after this. Except then he neglected to see the toy inside and just kept trying to play with the wrapping paper…
It’s a new puppy!! Auggie has this big green puppy in his crate that he LOVES to snuggle and play with (and I HATE to play with) so I bought him this, a smaller blue puppy. This will work for fetch soooo much better.
Auggie likes his new puppy.
Yes, yes indeed. Auggie Approved.
Pepper next! She was willing to look in the bag after she watched Georgie open hers, and also, there are bags of treats in there…
Trying to get her to rip her present. Wasn’t working LOL. It was a victory just to get her to stick her head in the bag!!
Oooooh what’s that?!
It’s a bunny! A little pink bunny, just like I call my Pepper, LOL.
She likes it. <3
Payton’s turn.
He didn’t realize he needed to take the paper off and was going to just take this as his gift.
Oh it’s a football. Don’t care, bitches in season.
Meanwhile there’s also a bag with presents for all three, and Pepper is the only one who cares.
Once Payton realized there was a new stuffed sheep, suddenly he was interested.
There’s also this – it’s the sheep pen toy with three little sheep inside to dig out.
Pepper actually kinda likes this game.
There’s also this plastic vulture thing my grandma bought them.
Next, my sister’s present for them. I realize most of you probably won’t get this. For those who do get it, I apologize for your having The Water Buffalo Song stuck in your head for approximately the next three weeks, because it’s been stuck in MY head ever since Christmas Eve and I don’t think it’s going anywhere soon.
“This smells like Henri. Maybe I should pee on it.”
It’s a water buffalo!!
Auggie also got a water buffalo.
Georgie’s like “Where’s MY water buffalo? Why don’t *I* have a water buffalo?” (Again I am so sorry for those who don’t get it. And probably also those who do.)
Pepper also got a water buffalo, she got a dark brown one like Henri has in his photo since she’s my dark girl. That’s racist.
My grandma also bought them a new Wubba. Auggie wants the water buffalo and only the water buffalo.
Next, stockings on Christmas Day. Or Christmas Afternoon. It was like 1pm when we finally opened stockings because my dad was still sleeping and I was like ALL THE POKEMANS
Auggie got a new harness, I’m hoping to use this on restrained sends with him. Payton is like “For me??”
Auggie isn’t really excited about this.
Payton next!
“I don’t really care about that football, I just want the bully stick I know you have please.”
Pepper is getting the hang of this whole “stick your head in something and magic happy funtimes happen next” shtick.
This might be her first ever bully stick, I’m not sure.
She wanted NOTHING to do with the toy I put in there for her, so I unwrapped it for her. =P
Payton meanwhile had his bully stick, and Auggie was on the couch with his. And all was calm, all was bright.
Georgie’s stocking next. Unfortunately she was bleeding and had to wear her panties for this. Humiliating.
She could smell the bully stick in there and didn’t care that much about the elephant toy.
SUCCESS. I think my mom was a little offended she cared zilch for the elephant toy and only wanted the bully stick.
Finally, for those who didn’t get a copy of my Christmas card this year, this was the front:
And on the back, I wanted to do a “Christmas letter” –
And that is that. Happy Christmas belatedly to everybody.
Christmas Eve Photoshoot
First I took the dogs over to my house to get photos in front of my Christmas tree. Yes I put up my tree this year and wrapped my presents there and put them under the tree even though I’m not living there. You can’t even tell in these photos that I don’t have any baseboards.
Auggie first!
Most wonderful Auggie in the world.
I seriously will never love any dog as much as I love this one. He’s just perfection.
P next!
Very serious P.
Looking at these photos, I’m reminded of how much he REALLY looks like Auggie’s dad (and Auggie’s brother/Georgie’s dad.) As he got older he started to look less like them, but some of these photos make me go wow, he really does still look like him.
Happy P!
Back to serious P. Can’t be happy while lying down.
Pepper was wagging her tail the whole time so her tail is just a blur…
Such a happy little Pepper!
I’m sure nobody sees it but me, but she’s blowing coat because she’s about to go in season, and there are two little white tufties on her legs that I didn’t see until the photos were done… AUGH
Family photo!
The whole fam back at my parent’s house! (I brought all my presents home since we’re leaving from here to my grandma’s.) Payton is having a terrible Christmas because two bitches are in season and he can’t hump either of them.
Now everybody is having a great Christmas except Georgie. Georgie hates Christmas.
Nice family photo!
Georgie in a box!
First you take a box. Then you cut a hole in the box.
Then you put your Auggie in the box.
“Oh. I am in a box.”
Seriously he is so good. He was just like “okay, this is what we’re doing, I’ll hang out here.”
He was going to just stay in there. Doesn’t care. I’ll take a nap. Best. Auggie. Ever.
First you take a box. Then you cut a hole in the box.
Then you put your Payton in the box.
My mom was like “he’s not going to fit…” “Oh yes he will,” I said. “My puppy fits into spaces that seem entirely too small for him. He’ll fit.”
He just seems like he’s disembodied, that’s all.
But oh God he is SO cute.
First you take a box. Then you cut a hole in the box.
Then you put your Pepper in the box.
Pepper is not nearly as good at this stuff as the boys are LOL. We couldn’t get her to stay put and let us sit the top on her. She’s still cute!
Georgie solo photos.
Cute girly <3
She just won’t stay sitting so all of hers are laying down.
That’s it! Presents tonight and stockings tomorrow so more photos coming soon!
Sheltie Christmas 2012
Spoiler for anybody who hasn’t gotten my Christmas card yet. These are the photos I shot to pick one to go along with the card:
Christmas Eve… I tried to take some of those “glowing” tree shots and I got laser eyes on all the dogs in several of the photos. So forgive the weird looking eyes in some of these. I thought to myself “I am buying an external flash in the new year!” and then I saw how much they cost and NEVERMIND. I’ll just shoot with the lights on and forget this.
Perfect Auggie.
Little P.
Ahhh Miss Pepper!
And Georgie who was pissing my mom off mostly because she listens to me better than she listens to my mom…
Then I tried close up shots on everybody, which worked better as far as the camera settings went, but since I had my focus on manual because the autofocus kept trying to focus on the tree instead of the dogs, Auggie and Payton didn’t come out in focus. I’m horrible with manual focus. It looks sharp on the preview screen and then bam, out of focus when I open the photo.
That said:
Pepper wins the “cutest Christmas photo” contest this year.
Though Georgie got a pretty cute one too.
Presents!! Payton helping Georgie open her present from me.
I told him to leave her alone and come open his own LOL.
“But I wanna see what SHE got!” Georgie ceases to care because I put a little baggie of treats in their and she only wanted the treats.
I found this gator super cheap at Gordman’s and since he hasn’t managed to tear up Sherman, I bought the gator too.
He pulled it out of the bag by himself.
I think he likes it.
Auggie is an expert at getting his presents out of bags and dragged this shark skin right out and started running around shaking it at people and asking to play TUG. I was thrilled because Auggie isn’t a big tugger, but he wanted to tug with this thing!
Georgie stole the shark (I took it back and told her I’d kill her if she ripped Auggie’s new shark toy) so Auggie got his second present out of the bag – a big sheep ball that is supposed to be extra tough.
Payton’s second present, another gator that makes a grunty-squeak sound. Super annoying so perfect for P. Georgie also tried to immediately rip THIS up so my mom had to take it from Georgie and give it back to Payton.
Auggie went to lay down under the tree once all the presents were cleared away, as is customary since he was a teeny tiny puppy playing chase games with his tiny puppy brother under the tree at his breeder’s house… I admit this moment is always one of my favourites…
Poor Pepper didn’t know how to open her gifts and didn’t want to even stick her head in the bag so I opened them for her. I bought her a pink sheep all of her own. She was too worried about my dad sitting on the floor across the room to play with it though.
Both of her “gifts.” I’m working on getting HER to tug next.
I had a pile of the bows sitting next to me and Payton kept thieving one and running off like it was a ball LOL.
Stockings from this morning! Most of these didn’t turn out but you get the idea…
Auggie got a new ball for the Chuck It!
I bought Pepper another sheep all her own LOL. It’s got long legs so she can tug on it… because again, tug with Pepper = next. She also got a rope bone that tastes like peppermint and she LOVES it. None of the photos of her chewing it turned out though. =< I didn't realize she was going to like it so much but she immediately curled up with it and chewed on it!
Auggie’s other ball, haha. He has a large one of these that we use on a flirt pole, this one is just for fetch AND ALSO FOR TUGGING BECAUSE AUGGIE NOW LIKES TUG SOMETIMES YEAH.
Payton playing with Auggie’s new Chuck It ball. He got a new ball on a rope toy to tug and play with for agility so we tugged with that for a while but he was quite interested in the ball too.
That’s it! Merry Christmas. I didn’t get a puppy. (My mom keeps going YOU DON’T NEED ANOTHER DOG YOU HAVE THREE. YOU DON’T NEED ANOTHER PUPPY YOU HAVE PAYTON. I may not NEED another dog but that doesn’t stop me from WANTING one…)
Look at Pepper.
She went right up to him to sniff him. I put her on the bench next to him and she sat there no problem.
I can’t get over this.
The other dogs are pretty good too. ;>
Pro Christmas Pics 2012
Annual Christmas photos were yesterday… huge photo dump impending…
Georgie first! New prop this year, A SLED. OMG.
Serious Auggie is serious. Sigh.
My boy. <3
Aaaaand here we go with the annual “I love my dog a whole lot more than he loves me” photos!
THIS one I think is the winner… I like his face in this one.
Annual “Auggie hates me” photo LOL.
Payton. OMG. LOL.
My HAIR again. I almost cut my bangs before we left to prevent this from happening and I didn’t. Sigh.
Sometimes he is kinda sweet.
I like him a bit.
It’s a PAYTON!!
See, Auggie? PAYTON loves his mommy. PAYTON will give me a kiss on camera.
My little guy. He is sometimes proper…
and sometimes cute.
Slight bit of handsome devil.
I think this is my favourite. He looks naughty. He looks like Payton. XD
This is his “I just licked the floor and there was a bitch sitting here” expression. He was chattering. Stupid intact male dog.
“Call him, see if I can get him jumping out of the sled,” the photographer said. WELP. Future agility dog in the making LOL.
Peppy girl!
Remedial stays are still in progress. =|
I don’t even know…
SIGH this is what so many of my photos look like LOL. Bad girl.
Hey, THERE’S a cute photo!
Me ‘n my girl. <3
I love love love this photo because of how she’s looking at me. She is MY GIRL… no mistaking it.
And I kinda like her too.
The best of us I think.
Now time for ALL THREE DOGS. This was totally photoshopped together, not gonna lie, and it’s still not even perfect haha.
…oh dear.
“Quick quick, take the photo, I’m losing them!!”
This is my life guys.
I gotta admit it’s pretty hilarious LOL.
Watch me try to direct my dogs without even looking away from the camera. “Payton you come here…”
“…Pepper YOU should lay down too…”
Also shopped. Again, not gonna lie, LOL.
THEN… Auggie’s breeder was there with some of her crew so we tried a big family photo. Top row is Georgie, Pepper, Twizzle (Pepper’s sister, Georgie’s mom) and Twigley (Georgie’s sister.) Bottom row is Payton (Pep/Twizzle’s half-bro, for those who don’t remembered they are related), Raleigh (Auggie’s dad, Georgie’s grandpa), Georgie (Auggie’s grandma, Payton and Georgie’s great-grandma), Quigley (Auggie’s brother, Georgie’s dad), and of course Auggie.
I was behind the table, by the way, holding butts down. The front row was for “dogs who will stay.” I was very proud to be able to put Payton in the front row. Good boy little P.
LOL at the three young boys looking all excited.
OMG Quigley is SO bored of this!
Not sure what they’re looking at, haha.
Pepper will NOT stop sniffing her sister. STOP IT.
This one would probably be good except PEPPER is trying to plot her escape obviously. PEPPER.
I think this is the best one we got.
If only Pep and Twigley were looking at the camera! Georgia gets a pass because she’s mostly deaf and blind so she doesn’t have to look anywhere, she just has to wake up every morning.
THEN Payton decided he wanted to try and get away. He recalls somewhere on that floor a bitch was sitting and he would like to find that spot again please.
But wait, it gets better.
We got Payton to sit back up, then Georgie wanted to lay down.
Again, really close. I might be able to shop something together out of some of there haha.
Pepper was like “I BAIL BYE.”
Look at EVERY DOG’S EXPRESSION IN THIS PHOTO. I can’t stop laughing. By the way, Georgie decided since the big girly was bailing she was bailing too.
Payton is like “Crap she’s gonna land on my head! ABORT ABORT”
And poor Grandma doesn’t even know what’s happening LOL. (LOL at my arm in this one haha.)
The really funny part? Pepper jumps down so Georgie jumps down and then Twigley got down and everybody else was up and running around and we’re laughing and I’m like OF COURSE IT WAS PEPPER WHO RUINED IT ALL
And then I sit up and look down.
And there is Auggie.
Still sitting, still staying, right where I told him to sit and stay.
A Very Sheltie Christmas
Yes okay I am AWARE that Christmas was almost a week ago OKAY I KNOW
Georgie gets to open her presents first!
Ooooh what’s in the box?
I eats this?
I eats the cardboard tag instead.
This was my present to Georgie. I bought her that Cuz toy (because she defuzzed one of Auggie’s balls so I got her that to try and defuzz), her very own firehose, an orange monkey, and something else I can’t remember right now.
Auggie is next… NOM. He got a bottle wrapper from Clean Run!
Next, Paytonmobile.
Hmm, how to rip this?
He DID start ripping it but then he stopped to try and eat the paper he’d just ripped off. So I had to help him. He got a sheepie ball also from Clean Run.
Georgie opening (one of) her present(s) from my mom… her own sheepie ball so she doesn’t have to steal mine, LOL.
The boys got a bag full of toys from me – this is Flappy, except I think his name is really Jolly (it says so on the back of him) but Flappy sounds better and he makes hilarious flapping sounds when you shake him from all those flappy legs flipping about. Payton LOVES Flappy.
Georgie stocking!
She got some Kong squeaker balls of her own, and…
this Kong squeaker bone thingie. That Auggie would like plz.
Auggie vacated so he could see what’s in his own stocking.
Gingie bread man squeaky ball!
Obligatory head in stocking shot.
Payton sucked at de-toy-ifing his stocking, LOL, so here’s a photo of what was in his stocking.
And what was in Auggie’s stocking! Yes that is a different sheepie ball than the two sheepie balls I already own AND the new sheepie ball… yes we have lots of sheepie balls in this house… Also he got a full bag of those orange Kong squeakers, but he was playing with the rest while I took this photo.
Babies playing in the wrapping paper!
And the loot for the boys. Except for the reindeer bottle wrapper, I bought a bunch of good tugging toys so they could play together.
Payton then proceeded to run around throwing all the toys in everybody’s faces, and Georgie ended up in her crate because she kept trying to steal Auggie’s new tennis balls instead of playing with her OWN new tennis balls and he was getting mad at her. And Auggie sat there like a grumpy tennis ball miser. MY TENNIS BALLS… MINE… PREEEECIOOOOOUS…
And then Christmas was over, and we all had a major sad!
24 Photos for the 24th
For the record, I made Payton cross his paws like that. He lay down with his legs like *SPRAWL* and I was like “You look stupid. Here.”
I was actually surprised he left them after I crossed them LOL.
And his stay is so good! He is the rock star stay-er in his puppy class.
Auggie, of course, is always a rock star. I was thinking I would like to take another class with him just because he would be so good it would make me feel like hot $@)# LOL.
My boys. <3
Just Georgie-Porgie!
She has had runny poo the last few days. We finally got her pooping solid again so she got a bath this morning to wash all the icky off her butt.
My mom was like “She looks stupid from the front with her puppy hair going everywhere! Did you STYLE her like that?!”
Yes Mom that is exactly what I did. I made your puppy look like she stuck her tongue in the electrical socket. On purpose. That is what I did.
Mom: “She looks like a HUSKY or something.”
Me: “No, she looks like a SHELTIE PUPPY. That’s what they LOOK LIKE.” Poor Georgie. I think she’s adorable, LOL.
Just Uncle Auggie with baby Georgie… aww!
Payton kept trying to ruin these photos by wandering in front of the camera. STUPID PAYTON
I love this one LOL… Auggie’s face…
Auggie has recently decided he doesn’t completely hate her after all. I’m sooo glad!
I tried to get him to wrap his leg over her but he was like “NO.” Okay, okay. I guess I shouldn’t push it.
Soooo if you make funny sounds Georgie tilts her head…
so that’s what I was doing… because it’s soooo freaking cute.
and over and over and over hahaha. I was making sounds like Pepper makes hahaha. I always say she sounds like Blue from Blue’s Clues. Bow-bo-bo-bow!
All three dogs! Aaaand Auggie looks pissed LMAO. Thanks Aug…
Little less pissed. (And yes I was still making Pepper-noises at Georgie.)
Probably the best shot of all three. Stupid Auggie and his stupid angry face hahaha.
The babies messing up the shot…
This is why Auggie always looks pissed. “JUST SIT STILL AND TAKE THE STUPID PHOTO YOU GUYS. GOSH!! IDIOTS.” (/Napoleon Dynamite)
Aaaand Payton started crawling away because he found something on the floor so one more of just Uncle Aug and the baby.
Merry Christmas everybody. =>
Secret Santa has arrived!
A box is here!! OMG!
So many beautiful little packages in there!
Auggie says nom nom nom my gift…
It’s a skull charm for his collar! Auggie says “oh I loves it. I kiss it.”
Payton got an awesome new toy!! I have told Georgie to keep her tiny puppy teeth off it because I love it and want to keep it safe, haha.
And Auggie got TENNIS BALLS!!
The boys were actually so enthralled with their toys they didn’t even notice there was more in the box… and that it was treats… Georgie, meanwhile, was like “Ummmm can I has?”
I couldn’t get the boys back to get a picture taken with the treats so I just took a picture on the floor, LOL.
The charms! Payton got a little bone with a blue blingy on it! And Auggie’s awesome skull and crossbones!
Payton with his dinosaur!
“Payton, that is your first ever Christmas present,” I said. “That’s exciting!”
“…well, for me, anyway.”
Some Christmas photos…
First, we asked Georgie to down. Auggie proceeded to do this. “ohhhh my goooood these puppies are killing meeeee.”
Bros! Poor Auggie has a busted lip right now. =< Not sure if he got it playing bitey face or if he bit himself at some point.
All three little doggies. Georgie apparently thought the boys had cooties today – she did NOT want to get anywhere closer to Payton.
Happy Aug!
Then we busted out the costumes LOL. “Payton won’t move now because he has something on his head,” I said. If only the same trick worked with Georgie…
Payton didn’t like the reindeer antlers so we switched him and Georgie.
Brudders <3
I think this might be the one I send to everybody! (And look! Auggie’s big ol’ chunk out of his leg hair has mostly grown back!)
Santa Auggie!
The end! I might get the big ornaments out again this year but I have to find the time to do it… not sure when that might be unless it’s literally Christmas Eve…
Payton and Georgie pics
Tried to snap a family shot in front of the tree last night…
This was the best we got. =P
Auggie was like “seriously, screw this, I was chewing on my reindeer” and got up and walked back over to his reindeer and lay back down to chew on it again. So we just did some photos of the puppies instead.
Actually in some ways it was easier to just do the two instead of making poor Auggie sit there like “*sigh*” the whole time hahaha.
They really don’t look all that related… but they are… Auggie and Georgie look very much alike but I don’t see much similarity between Payton and Georgie. Maybe when she matures some.
Taking pictures with just Georgie is sooooooo boring.
Pro Christmas shoot!
MASSIVE photodump below… some of these look very close to each other but I am just dumping in everything.
We started with Georgie because we thought she might get sleepy if we waited.
then we put antlers on her. and she hated it LOL. They all looked pretty much like this.
My mom also got photos with her and the baby, but my mom doesn’t like photos of herself, so I’m not posting any of those. They were very cute though, so hopefully my mom will get over her insecurities and print out a few.
Auggie-doggie was the first of mine up because, as we all said, you can count on Auggie to take good photos.
hahaha <3
Ah-ha! Happy dog!
One of my faves this time around.
though this one is really cute too!
Then time for me to get in the shot with Auggie. And time for Auggie to pretend he hates me.
no mommy
Seriously, what am I supposed to do with this? LOL.
Next up: Payton!
who got his ears unglued just for the photos. Which means we have to glue them back down shortly LOL.
It’s really a shame he’s in his awkward stage LOL… but oh well. I will be really happy to have these some day.
“Payton, don’t look stupid.” LOL.
I really wanted me with Payton… but they didn’t turn out very well. He wasn’t in much of a mood to be snuggled. He wanted to eat the floor instead.
But these two are okay. I just really wish more had turned out well. =/
In case you weren’t all aware of how gorgeous and cute she is, please allow her to demonstrate.
Ahhhhh she is the cutest girl <3
my girl.
LOL I know this isn’t entirely in focus but it was too funny not to include.
Time for all three… LOL. Well, we tried anyway.
Oh my doggies.
We had total “look at the camera” fail in other words. LOL. Oh well!
Holy photo overload Batman!! So many thanks to Kevin Devine Photography for these fabulous photos that they do every year.
The nice thing about dogs
Last night my mom and I were putting all of the Christmas decor away – or at least attempting to. Our Christmas stuff all goes in a closet underneath the stairs in the basement. She said there was some stuff way in the back that might be okay to be donated or thrown away to make a bit more room, so I climbed into the closet and was going to pull all the stuff out that was wedged all the way in the back. It was COVERED with dust and dirt, and there’s no light in the closet, so I’m holding a flashlight in one hand, and very carefully pulling each box out with the other, moving it a bit and waiting to see if any spiders went scampering, then pulling it out the rest of the way.
So I’m under the stairs going “ugh, this is nasty,” and my mom is going “Yeah, there’s probably spiders in there.” “Waaaah!” I whine. “But probably no mice,” she says. “Probably just spiders.”
I reach for a box and move it just a bit to see if anything goes running – and RIGHT at that moment, SOMETHING FUZZY BRUSHES UP AGAINST MY BACK.
I FREAK out because there shouldn’t be anything fuzzy brushing up against my back! WTF?! I drop the box I just moved, drop the flashlight, I’m screaming, and I SPIN around…
and Auggie is standing there staring at me.
And I immediately start swearing and telling him I’m going to murder him. And he just smiles at me and wags his tail because I’m telling him I’m going to kill him again. And my mom is going “What, what?!” because I screamed, so I start telling her what happened, and it’s rather funny anyway but made even funnier by the fact that I continue to swear at the dog and threaten his life. And of course my mom starts laughing because it’s HILARIOUS. She’s seriously laughing so hard she’s in tears. And the dumb dog of course thinks something fantastic has just happened and is wagging around like a moron.
I then had to spend the majority of the rest of the night continually picking the dog up and removing him from the closet under the stairs. I picked him up once and took him over to where his little round bed is, set him down in it, and told him to lay down. Which he did while making bitey face at my hands because he thought we were playing. No, this is not a game. Neither is repeatedly going under the stairs and having me say “Auggie, get OUT.” Okay, maybe it’s a game to you, but I’m not playing.
Finally I gave up, took him out to potty one last time, and then put him in his crate for the night. After about an hour my mom finally goes “Hey, where’s Auggie?”
“Oh, I got sick of him, so I put him in his crate. That’s the nice thing about dogs, you know. When you get sick of them, you stick them in their crate, and it’s not child abuse.”
A Very Auggie Christmas, 2010
Just about everything I asked for this year was for the dog… haaaa.
Our Christmas tree photos didn’t turn out that great though.
This would be cute if it were in focus. =<
STINKEYE. This is about what our family photos look like every year now so I can’t blame him. Somebody in our family needs to hurry up and reproduce so I don’t have to sit in front of the tree with my cousin for “kids photo” anymore. Seriously, I’m the youngest and I’m 26. I think we can stop the “kids photo” now.
Slightly mischievous look…
more grumble…
can we be done now??
This is dumb. Let’s do something else.
And then we opened stockings. At 2AM. Because we came home at midnight and had to shovel the drive before we could even get the truck up the drive, then we opened presents a 1AM (while Auggie ran berserk the entire time with entirely too much energy for 1AM) and then decided to go ahead and just open the stockings.
I grabbed my P&S instead of the DSLR because I was too freaking tired to mess with the DSLR. And the flash was off at first. Bad idea.
I loves penguin
Oh yeah, there’s more…
Yet another sheep (of course.)
It makes snoring sounds. He was mildly fascinated.
Obligatory head in stocking shot.
He refused to fish the raccoon out of the stocking no matter how much I asked him to get it… he was becoming fascinated with the flash so finally I turned it back off.
The raccoon has a bottle inside of it and is open on the bottom so you can replace it. He was really excited once he realized there was a bottle in it!
Posing with stocking toys.
Then I made him pose with his Christmas gifts… no pictures of him pulling these out of the bag. He loved that sheep, especially since he was busy running amuck while we opened our gifts.
Gifts are all opened, stockings are opened, the tree is bare of gifts… so Auggie went under the tree to curl up. He does this and gets very upset when we start stacking gifts under the tree and there’s no room for him. I think it’s because he was born in November and in his puppyhood he spent a lot of time being naughty crawling underneath the Christmas tree at his breeder’s house, LOL.
Falling asleep under the tree… zzzzz
huhwha? No I’m awake…
He got a bully stick this morning and took it under there to eat. He also wants you all to know he ALMOST caught not only a squirrel, but ALSO a rabbit out in the yard, and he came swaggering back in looking quite proud of himself. Brat.
Dear Santa…
I was very, very naughty this year.
I threw up on my mommy’s hardwood floor.
I ate something gross in the yard several times.
I totally blew the very last contact when I would have had a Q in an agility run, and then I laughed about it.
I woke my mommy up in the middle of the night approximately 20 hojillion times.
Sometimes I even finagled her into letting me sleep on her bed, and woke her up by standing on her back with my face shoved next to hers, smiling like a lunatic and staring.
I lie about having to go outside and potty at least once every day.
I have taken to biting at mommy’s knees and ankles because it’s fun.
I threw my twist n treat down the stairs, even when my mommy had just told me not to.
I got up to sniff a bitch in an obedience trial because that was more fun than a sit-stay.
Can I still have a baby brother anyway?
That darn Santa isn’t buying the whole “naughty” thing at all.